Thursday, 23 January 2014

Friday January 24, 2014

Friday January 24, 2014

Practice Focus: Resistance Training

Warm up: 200 Free {50R 50L breathing} + 200 Kick-Drill x50 + 200 Pull (breathe 5th) + 100 Back-Breast x50}

Vertical Kick: 4x {20 on 40 off} + 4x {10 on 30 off}
*for the set of 10 seconds, kick dolphin kick.  
Shoot for 25 kicks in 10 seconds!

18x25 (40) -- Kick, Drill, Swim Stroke {2 rounds of each: Fly, Back, Breast....or mix it up}
1x100 easy


Repeat the following three times:
3x: {1x25 Fast against resistance + 1x25 easy} -- inverval should be (1:30) or (1:40)
1x: {1x100 easy -- interval should be 1:00-2:00 rest after easy 100
Round 1: Free, Fly, Free / Round 2: Fly, Breast, Fly / Round 3: Breast, Fly, Breast

Assistance (FINS or stretch cord)
1x50 (110) -- 25 Moderate + 25 Fast
1x50 (110) -- easy
1x50 (110) -- 25 Fast + 25 easy

Swim Down:
3x100 FreeIM 145) -- strong kick-outs and double pullouts on breaststroke
free, back, breast, free

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